CSS3 – 12 [Text Style] 変形 text-transform, vertical-align, text-align

text-transform – uppercase – lowercase – capitalize : change only the preceding uppercase letter font-variant : small-caps : keep small size but change all capital letters vertical-align : baseline;: horizontal alignment vertical-align : top — eliminate spaces under the image text-align : justifyword-break: break-all; You need to write it together.text-transform – uppercase – lowercase – capitalize : change only the preceding uppercase letter font-variant : small-caps : keep small size but change all capital letters vertical-align : baseline;: horizontal alignment vertical-align : top — eliminate spaces under the image text-align : justifyword-break: break-all; You need to write it together.Vertical alignment The ‘vertiacl align’ property aligns the vertical spacing between inline elementsbaseline, sub, super, text-top, middel, bottom, text-bottomBoth are span tags, and different font sizes have different heights depending on the back vertical-align—Intermediate alignment that aligns with baselineWhen specifying a precise location, specify a px valueAll browsers use images to create space underneath them.Always in your browser. When you use vertical-align:top, it disappears img{vertical-align:top;}All browsers use images to create space underneath them.Always in your browser. When you use vertical-align:top, it disappears img{vertical-align:top;}Fair split—justify text-align:justify // There is no space left or right.When it looks messy as a whole, and when the site is organized on both sidesIt’s nice to have a neat layout that fits both sidesstand out like a stream. The driver effect, originally in English, is usually cut into syllables.text-align:justification; wordbreak: break-all;text-align:justification; wordbreak: break-all;

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